Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In the news- gas prices

but what do you think that is going to happen with the gas prices?In your opinion what are the real reasons why the gas prices was almost $5 dollars a year ago?If you were the new president of the United States what are you going to do first to make reduce the gas prices ?

I think although the gas prices are decreasing now we are going to see a huge rise in the gas prices a little later. I really dont know the reason the gas prices were so high before, or why they are`nt that high anymore but I do think that this is not the end of the rise in gas prices.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Project 4 draft- Non-fiction- University life

"Living on campus is a wonderful experience!" "you get to talk with all the cute guys, hang out with all your girlfriends and stay up to date with current events on campus!" says kassie.
Kassie is a transfer student, who moved to Florida from Keene Texas. She wanted to go out of state for college because she didnt want to be too close to her family , she wanted independence from her parents therefore she decided to attend NSU. When asked about her experience here on campus, she replied with enthusiasm stating that this has been the greatest experience of her life. With no one here to tell her what to do she is able to be wherever the party is each night, while still maintaing a high grade point average. She says she forfeits all the fun in the day time, and thats when she spend her time hitting the books, and then at nights she is free to party!
Kassie enjoys living on campus, the food, the campus activities, the people, and the guys, "this is what keeps me here! I`m loving every minute of it"

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

journal entry #12

graphic cover


none fiction





group members- Renae Oxford
Marlyse Mathurim

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

in the news-Jose Canseco

1. Do you believe that Jose Canseco was right in the fact that he gave the names of the baseball players involved with steroids in his book "Juiced"?
2. To what degree do you think the "steroid era" will tarnish the history of the great american sport baseball?
3. What is your view of some positive and negative aspects of performance enhancing drugs?
4. Do you believe that performance enhancing drugs play a major role in all sports today?
I do not think Jose was right in giving the names of the baseball players involved in steroids. I think that if he did steroids then he should take responsibility for his actions without bringing anyone down with him. By mentioning the names
of other people, it seems like he`s saying "I`m going down, so therefore im taking you down with me" which I dont think is a very good approach to situations. If he has done something then he should be responsible for his actions.
I think the "steroid era" will tarnish the baseball history alot, because people will now see the players accomplishments as achieved through cheating, and names that were once honored may now be stereotyped as cheaters even if they are`nt.
Frankly I do not think that performance enhancing drugs should even be considered, people should be able to accomplish much with there skills and special abilities. When performance enhancing drugs are used, the players are`nt the ones doing the work, the drug is.
I think performance enhancing drug does play a major role in sports today unfortunately, that shouldnt be case but it does, I think its only in certain countries though.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Project # 2 revised draft- Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Renae Oxford
Comp 1000
Project # 2- creative myth
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder”
In our society today, many people hold this popular belief or myth that “absence makes the heart grow fonder”; but does absence really make the heart grow fonder? Where do we get this idea about absence making the heart grow fonder? Does being apart or out of the presence of someone makes the heart desire them, or care for them more? Did this idea arise from experience or is it mere opinion? The web defines this phrase as "the time spent away from the one you love makes you love that person even more" Is this really true? Let’s explore this phrase even more.
One may argue that being away from someone causes the heart to long for them, as in the case of a loved one or a spouse, being separated from them might bring a feeling of loneliness, longing and desire. Separation causes you to desire your loved one even more than you might have before, therefore you try to find pleasure in what is present, your heart seeks satisfaction in the moments that you and your loved one shared together, you reminisce on past events, holidays, activities shared with that person; you remember how you felt just being with that person, how they made you smile and at that point in time you might even appreciate the arguments you might have had in times past. This makes the heart grow fonder as the days go by. You wish to see them more and more and finally when you are able to be in the presence of that spouse once more, your heart becomes satisfied by them being present, the gap that was caused by separation is suddenly filled, you’re happy and alive again. Your relationship even improves, because of the separation.
In another example with a parent and a child who are constantly at each other`s throat, the fighting never stops and the child longs to be away from the parent. They wish to have independence from the parent`s authority. They finally receive that freedom to be on their own but suddenly it seems, that is not what they really wanted. They now realize that being under the parent`s rule was not so bad after all. They suddenly accept the fact that the parent`s authority was important to shape their future in a positive direction, they long to be with the parent once more and doesn’t mind being under their authority. Absence has made them fonder of that parent; but do you suppose that it would have been good if that child received the chance to be with the parent once more? In that case the fighting might have begun yet again and we could only conclude that living apart from that parent makes the child appreciate them, in other words fond of them. I f the child did in fact move back in with the parent and things were better, we could still conclude that absence brought about that change; the time spent away from the parent allowed the child a chance to realize how much they do in fact care. Absence doesn’t always bring about this positive change however; it doesn’t always make the heart grow fonder of the person absent. Let’s explore another side of this myth.
In the case of the spouse or loved one, the situation could have been totally different. The partner might have realized that being apart from their spouse is just what they needed, this might have been the once in a lifetime opportunity they have waited for to have their own space, they might have seen this as a freedom opportunity to do what they have always wanted to do without having to hear objections from their spouse. They may have even taken this as a party time, a time to hang out with their friends, a time to even be disloyal to their spouse. They might have never gotten the opportunity to enjoy this freedom before; therefore they make use of every passing minute spent away from their spouse. They are totally elated to have this time away from the confines of a partner. When the spouse returns, conflict erupts because of the simple fact that they are disappointed that they are within their partner`s presence once more and they aren’t able to do the things that they were capable of doing while the significant other was away. In this case, absence might have made the heart grow fonder, but not of the spouse. The word “fond” in itself means “having a strong liking, inclination or affection”. So we could say that the spouse grew fond of the pleasures they experienced while the spouse was away.
As with the parent and child, living apart from the parent might have been great satisfaction for the child. As with the case of t he spouse, they might have received the opportunity to do what they weren’t able to do in the presence of the parent. The parents` confines are gone; they have the chance to be independent, making their own decision, not being mindful of the parent. Being absent might have even caused problems for the parent and child relationship. Once again, the child is fond of things they are able to experience way from the parent.
In any case, one might have grown accustomed to being away from the person, whoever it might have been, the heart is not fond of them, because they have accepted the fact that they are away. There is no longing, they don’t care for or appreciate them anymore than they did before, and in fact they might even care less. The separation gap is widened as the time goes on, the only things they are fond of, are things done away from each other.
Overall we may conclude that this phrase is partly true in most cases, while absence might make the heart grow fonder , the real question one should ask is who or what does it grow fonder of ?.

Friday, November 7, 2008

journal entry # 10

Action: A wife making improvements to her body, a husband sitting in a couch playing video games.
Actor: wife, husband
Scene: a house setting, by the couch and the tv
agency: tv, video games, make up, dress
purpose: to show how men are oblivious to certain situation or things.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Project 2 draft- Absence makes the heart grow fonder

In our society today, many people hold this popular belief or myth that absence makes the heart grow fonder; but does absence really make the heart grow fonder? Where do we get this idea about absence making the heart grow fonder? Does being apart or out of the presence of someone makes the heart desire them, or care for them more? Did this idea arise from experience or is it mere opinion? Goenglish.com defines this phrase as "the time you spend away from the one you love makes you love that person even more" Is this really true? Let’s explore this phrase even more.
One may argue that being away from someone causes the heart to long for them, as in the case of a loved one or a spouse, being separated from them brings a feeling of loneliness, longing and desire. Separation makes you desire to be with your loved one even more than you might have before, therefore you try to find pleasure in what is there, your heart seeks satisfaction in the moments that you and your loved one have shared together, you reminisce on past events, holidays, activities shared with that person; you remember how you felt just being with that person, how they made you smile and might even appreciate the arguments you have had in times past. This makes the heart grow fonder of that person as the days go by. You wish to see them more and more and finally when you are able to be in the presence of that person once more, you’re happy and the relationship grows stronger changes and improvements are made and you wish never to be separated from the person again.
In another example with a parent and a child who are constantly at each other`s throat, the fighting never stops and the child longs to be away from the parent. They wish to have independence from the parent`s authority. They finally receive that freedom to be one their own but suddenly it seems that that is not what they really wanted. They now realize that being under the parent`s rule was not so bad after all. They suddenly accept the fact that the parent`s authority was important to shape their future in a positive direction, they long to be with the parent once more and doesn’t mind being under their authority. Absence has made them fonder of that parent; but would it be a good for that child to be with the parent once more? In that case the fighting might have begun once more and we could only conclude that living apart from that parent makes the child care for them more in other words fond of them. I f the child did in fact move in with the parent again and things were better, we could still conclude that absence brought about this change; but absence doesn’t always bring about this positive change, it doesn’t always make the heart grow fonder. Let’s explore another side of this myth.
In the case of the spouse or loved one, things could have been totally different. The partner might have realized that being apart from their spouse is just what they needed, this might have been the once in a lifetime opportunity they have waited for to have their own space, they might have seen this as a freedom opportunity to do what they have always wanted to do without having to hear objections from their spouse. They may take this as a party time, a time to hang out with their friends, a time to even be disloyal to their spouse. They might have never gotten the opportunity to enjoy this freedom before; therefore they make use of every passing minute spent away from their spouse. They are totally elated to have this time away from the confines of a partner and when the spouse returns, conflict erupts because of the simple fact that they are disappointed that they are within their partner`s presence once more and they aren’t able to do the things that they were capable of doing while the significant other was away. The relationship takes a turn downhill........

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In the news- Democrats in the whitehouse


Ok so with the recent overwhelming news of the nations first african american president , America is left with mixed feelings of joy, happiness, anger,disappointment and concern.
No doubt its an important event in the nation`s history and progress is being made for a better United states, the word "unite" can be seen more clearly in the country`s name more than ever. The people of the United states are more concerned now however, as the nation is left in a disasterous state, with the current fall in our economy and we can say that the new elect president is aware of that also, as was outlined in his speech on tuesday night. He urged Americans to join him in working to bring about the change that is needed. He made it clear that being elected as president is not the change, but the chance to make the change happen. He is aware of the great challenge that lies ahead and knows that it will take more than alot to change the economy and fulfill all the promises that were made while campaining. We all know that is not up to the president only to make the necessary changes that are needed because the president is only allowed to do so much. My question to you now, is do you think that the democratic party and the new elect President is capable of bringing the change that we need to the United states and its economy? do you think the state of the economy will improve or get worst in the years to come? ofcourse it will take some time, but do you think that it will be better? Do you think inexperience is a big issue that should be considered?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Journal entry #9

Image # 1
1) People are free to do certain things

2) People are free to do certain things because they are 18yrs

3) People get the ooportunity to do certain things when they turn 18 but are still restricted to some things.

image# 8

1) women starve themselves

2) women starve themselves because they are obsessed with being skinny

3) women starve themselves because they think that being thin means being beautiful.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

journal entry #8

This advirtisment shows that BMW`s are attractive.
It shows this claim by diverting attention from the woman by placing an image of a BMW on top of her face.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Project #1 review draft I believe

I have always been taught to pray in particular situations, if I had a need, or just to give thanks, I never really knew the meaning of this however until I had an indirect experience relating to prayer. I was still at a very tender age, when my beliefs were shaped by this life changing event.
While she was yet a little girl, my sister had various traumatic, life threatening experiences with epilepsy. She would suffer sudden attacks that would trigger abnormal activities in certain parts of the brain. She would literally have a fit where she would sometimes fall suddenly; her muscle would tighten and relax which caused her to jerk rhythmically. She would foam at the mouth and would then be left in an unconscious state. This would last for several minutes and was very alarming to my family and I; we hardly knew how to handle this type of situation when it arose. It became very stressful for my parents, because neither they nor the doctors could give a solution to the problem.
The attacks went on for quite some time before she was finally referred to a clinic. The doctors there offered to give her a particular type of medication that might have helped, but warned that it was accompanied by serious side effects, some of which seemed to pose even more life threatening problems than the actual illness. This was not exactly music to a mother in despair, and even though it might have seemed that this was our only hope, my mother knew that there must have been some other resolution to this situation.
Disappointed and confused my family decided to seek God the only one they were confident would give a solution to the problem. After leaving the clinic, my mother took my sister to our church where the members there gathered around her to pray. Their prayers indicated strongly that they knew for sure that a miracle was on its way, and even though still a child I could sense that feeling too. After leaving the church that night it was neither necessary for my sister to return to the doctors or for her to take the medication, amazingly God had wrought a life changing miracle, it was almost unbelievable. Still presently, in her early stage of womanhood, no trace of illness can be found.
This event has helped shaped my belief forever, I now believe in the power of prayer. Prayer is now an important part of my life. Whenever I struggle with a problem or get entangled in a particular situation, I pray. I pray to give thanks and I pray without having a particular motive in mind. This keeps me in a more serene mood and state of mind. When things around me seem to crumble, I find myself in a state of peace on my knees or quietly bowing my head, because by doing this I know that many mountains can be removed. I believe in the power of prayer.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

journal entry #6 Absence makes the heart grow fonder

a belief that our society holds today is that "absence makes the heart grow fonder" but does absence really make the heart grow fonder?
This question was posed to a few people, while some agreed that absence make the heart grow fonder, some only agreed to a certain extent. They think that this is only true in some cases, while being away from someone might make you grow fonder of that person, it may also cause problems; as with a marriage relationship. Absence from a partner in some cases might be seen as freedom to do whatever one wishes, while in another case it might cause that partner to long for comfort thus pushing them to be unfaithful.
so does absence really make the heart grow fonder? mmmm........think about it

Thursday, September 25, 2008

In the news # 5

That was so unfortunate how the pitbulls just burst in the home and attacked and killed the four month old baby. I do think the officers did what they thought necessary. If the dogs pose such a threat then something has to be done to protect peoples lives.
I do think that this is sort of a different case with the pitbulls vs human punishment. If the dogs show such violence and they pose a threat to other people then what is necessary should be done. In the case of humans, they should also suffer severe punishment for killing an innocent pet but not as severe as killing them, in my oppinion that is just way too severe. This is a type of difficult case to address.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Journal entry #5

1. Syfers describes a wife duty as:
taking care of the kids,
keeping track of appointments,
arranging to lose time off the job while not loosing the job,
attending to physical needs
cleaning the house
picking up after spouse and children
Cooking the meal
Ironing clothes, keeping it mended, or replacing it when needed
one who goes grocery shopping, serves pleasantly and cleans up while studying
one who is sensitive to sexual needs and one who is sexually faithful

Some of the duties described in the writing are still done today to some extent. It differs within varous families and cultures. In some families most of the duties described here is still performed by the wives today, while within other families you might see fewer of these duties performed. So I think it differs within cultures. I would say the husband and wife relationship has changed somewhat within the past 37 years. From what I have been told, the wife`s role was a bit inferior to that of the husband`s, the husband was in authority, although it is still the case today but I guess it was more like a dictatorship type role back then.

2. I liked syfers writing style actually, she doesnt spell out everything, she leaves it up to the reader to figure out exactly what she is talking about, or the big idea behind her writing. One thing I would`nt have done is make the whole entire essay a list of the duties of the wife, other than that I really did like it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

in the news #4 Social Networking

This is a very interesting article and it has much truth to it. These social networking sites have become apart of most of our lives. They are extremly addictive and a bit harmful. Harmful in that, people spend most of their time browsing these sites and forget some of the most important aspects of their lives. Just recently I had to delete my account on both myspace and hi5, and before that, tagged. It seemed ridiculous that most of my time was spent sitting around the computer browsing these sites and important things that should have been done like my home work were delayed. These sites are very addictive because of the different applications that accompany them as well as the many pictures of friends that everyone is just so eager to see. I think thats the main reason why people go on these sites, to see their friends pictures and show theirs as well. This might just be a phase, I dont know, but whether or not the fact still remains that these sites are addictive, harmful and of little importance.

6 Myths of creativity

The six myths of creativity
1. creativity comes from people who are creative
2. money pushes you to be creative
3. working within a time period forces you to be creative
4. When you are fearful, this pushes you to be creative
5. competing beats working together
6. a downsized organization is one that is creative

Teresa design her research by collecting 12,000 daily journals from 238 people working on creative projects in seven companies, she was looking for thought processes that lead to reativity. The fact that she "coded emails for creativity by looking for moments when people struggled with a problem or came up with anew idea" this was interesting.

I think the audience for this article are business people, or people trying to find out what foster`s creativity. I am able to recognize this by the information presented in the article.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Journal entry #4

1. When Bortholomae says that students should invent the university, I think he means that through their writing, they should make their environment come alive, meaning, the mood, the feeling, the plot should be as if they are actually in the piece of writing. The audience should feel what the students are writing about as if they are actually in that setting. Its almost like recreating the atmosphere to be apart of the writing.

2. The author suggest that a way for students to become "insiders" within academic courses is for them to be both inside and a discourse and being granted a special right to speak.
3. In the first student`s writing, the student stated that his idea was from his creativity, while not recognizing that everything that he said was his, was actually copied. In the second writing the student recognizes that her creativity actually came through inspiration, therefore it may have been copied in a sense but what was done with it after being copied, was created.
The author`s oppinion is that the first student`s writing was that the writing depends "on quotation marks and parody to set off the language and the attitudes that belongs to the discourse it would reject" while the second student`s writing went on in spite of the language that kept pressing to give another name to her experience and to bring the disscussion to a closure.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

In the news #3 Advancement of Technology

I do think that technological advancement has posed greater problems than benefit,for example, certain drugs that are being made has very serious side effects, some of the household machines that we now have encourages lazyness, as a result many people have no clue of how to do things without these machines because their lives have become so dependent on it. Advance in technology has definitely posed more problems than benefits.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I Believe

I have always been taught to pray in particular situations, if I had a need, or just to give thanks, I never really knew the meaning of this however until I had an indirect experience relating to prayer. I was still just a child, at a very tender age, when my beliefs were shaped by this life changing event.
When she was yet a little girl, my sister had various experiences with epilepsy. She would suffer attacks that would cause various abnormal reactions. This was very alarming to my family and I, and we hardly knew how to handle this type of situation when they arose. The only thing we were really able to do was take her to the doctors; it seemed however, as if they were also struggling with the same problem of how to handle the situation, because when we did take her to the hospital, the doctors could neither find the cause of the problem, nor give a solution to the problem. This went on for quite some time before she was finally referred to a clinic. The doctors there offered to give her a particular type of medication that might have helped, but warned that it had serious side effects, some of which included; hairs growing all over her body and also her teeth growing above her gum. This was not exactly music to a mother in despair. My mom decided that this was not a medicine that she wanted for her daughter, because the side effects seemed to pose even more life threatening problems than the illness itself, therefore she left without taking it.
With hardly anything left to do, my mother decided that she would Seek God. After leaving the clinic, my mother took my sister to our church and gathered a few people to pray for my sister. They formed a circle with my sister in the middle and started praying for her, they prayed strongly for her health and also that she would not have to take the medication. They prayed for what seemed like a very long time. After leaving the church that night, it was neither necessary for my sister to return to the doctor or for her to take the medication, because my sister never again experienced the seizure attacks. Until this day, in her early stage of womanhood she has never experienced another attack and there is no trace of illness found in her.
This event changed my belief forever, I now believe in the power of prayer. Because of this situation, I now make prayer an important part of my life. Whenever I struggle with a problem, or get entangled in a particular situation, I pray. I pray without having a particular motive in mind. This keeps me in a more serene mood and state of mind. When things around me seem to crumble, I find myself in a state of peace on my knees or quietly bowing my head, because I believe that by praying, many mountains can be removed. I believe in the power of prayer.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In the News #2 Family Influence On politics

I think that it is true that people distort people`s view and make it seem as though they said something totally different, politicians especially will do anything in their powers to make things go in their favour and ofcourse if something is stated againts someone then another family member is going to defend the other. Family ties are very strong and it does influence politics, when you share certain traits, views, oppinions or even your whole life together, then ofcourse your influence is very strong, and I think this was seen in the case of Barack and his wife.

The Case Againts Chores

Working at the stable changed Smiley`s beliefs about chores. She describes this experience after she stated her views on chores. If she had described this some place else within the essay for example at the beginning, then the point of the experience would be lost. To support her argument she states that "this teaches the child lesson of alienated labor, not to love the work but to get it over with" I do think that , her evidence and reasons are somewhat authoratative. I think smiley`s intended audience are parents who forces their kids to do chores. Smiley uses rhetorical questions to emphasize that giving children chores to do isnt necessary. I really dont think these questions are logical, I really dont think her whole perspective on giving children chores to do is logical but everyone is entitled to their oppinion.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Writing is not a Mcdonald`s Hamburger

I think the authors purpose was to give readers some advice on how to write. She`s basically saying that we should`nt think too hard about what we are going to write, we should just start out simple be real with it. For example in the reading she says "allow yourself to be awkward".
I think she had high school and college students in mind when she wrote this piece. Other people who might benefit from this are people who have difficulty putting their thoughts together on a piece of paper.People who might not benefit from this are those who have mastered the art of writing.Her subject is the student whom she spoke about that writes really well. She thinks he rights really well but he just needs to take it slow.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My American Journey

I think Collin`s purpose was to give readers a brief overview of the various situations he had been through in order to be where he is today.
He achieve`s this by telling experiences from the past, for example when he was able to purchase from restaurants but wasnt able to eat there and also the hamburger experience.
I think the audience that Powell had in mind while writing was the African American Community or minorities in general.
The author is a strong-willed, determined individual who fights againts all odds to achieve what he desires.
Now that I have read the book my attitude has somewhat change towards the author in that I now see him as someone who has worked very hard and has risen above the challenge to be where he is today.

Journal entry #2

This essay was very compelling because it is one that I am able to relate to. The author spoke about the power of prayer, something that I have experienced in my life continually. The author used a personal story, something happened in their life and they were able share their experience. I would say that the tone of the story is reflective, the author reflected on a particular point in their life when prayer seemed to have made a huge difference . This essay is similar to the other in that both authors used personal experiences to convey their messages the experiences and the messages behind them , however differ . The author definitely followed the guidelines provided by the "This I Believe " website. They shared a time when their belief was change, they personalized it, made it real, brief, stated their belief in a sentence and made it positive. For project 1 I would like to write about "Faith" that would be an ideal topic for me because I have had so many experiences with faith.
2. In this essay the author spoke about past experiences that were not exactly positive but ones that positively helped to shape the way she now lives. This is very inspiring because it gives hope and shows that a bad situation can in fact produce good. The author used a story of hope to showcase their belief, God healed her wounds that were produced as a result of an abusive father. She now uses her story of hope to help young girls who are in similar situations.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Journal entry # 1

One of the previous school`s that I attended didn`t have a media center and I felt like that was one of the most important facility that a school should have, therefore I felt a need to respond to that situation and I did so in writing.
I responded in writing because that was mainly all i was able to do, I couldnt have taken any other action because I was only a student, I wasnt in authority. Also I did so in writing because in my opinion its a more official way of getting your point accross in a respectful manner; I felt that the situation might have recieved more attention if I made my request known through writing.
The type of genre I used was pursuasive essay. I choose this because this is something that I wanted the people in authority to address, and if I was able to pursuade them that the media center was important and in fact needed then my request might have been granted.
My audience were, the principal, teachers and students of my school but mainly the principal. I wanted the readers to think about the situation or the request stated in the writing and then begin to take into consideration what was written.
My purpose for writing was to pursuade and also to call to action. I felt that my purpose was in part accomplished. I say in part because I made the request known and stated why it was so important all that was left was for them to take the matter into consideration and decide whether to act or not.
To guide my writing the context which was basically building a media center was generated by what was currently happening.
Thinking about my writing as a rhetorical situation is different from thinking about it in other ways in that thinking about it as rheorical writing allows me to broaden the way I see it, think more in depth not just narrowing it down to one area as opposed to if I was thinking about it in other ways.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

In the news # 1

My view on this Beta blocker drug is that people are free to use this drug if they please. If it is used to treat a certain illness then one should be free to use it wherever, whether its at the olympics or elsewhere . If it is a safe and legal drug there shouldnt be a problem if one decides to use it. If it was an illegal drug that might have allowed one to be on top in a particular sport, for example steroids,then that would be something to consider.