Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In the news- Democrats in the whitehouse

Ok so with the recent overwhelming news of the nations first african american president , America is left with mixed feelings of joy, happiness, anger,disappointment and concern.
No doubt its an important event in the nation`s history and progress is being made for a better United states, the word "unite" can be seen more clearly in the country`s name more than ever. The people of the United states are more concerned now however, as the nation is left in a disasterous state, with the current fall in our economy and we can say that the new elect president is aware of that also, as was outlined in his speech on tuesday night. He urged Americans to join him in working to bring about the change that is needed. He made it clear that being elected as president is not the change, but the chance to make the change happen. He is aware of the great challenge that lies ahead and knows that it will take more than alot to change the economy and fulfill all the promises that were made while campaining. We all know that is not up to the president only to make the necessary changes that are needed because the president is only allowed to do so much. My question to you now, is do you think that the democratic party and the new elect President is capable of bringing the change that we need to the United states and its economy? do you think the state of the economy will improve or get worst in the years to come? ofcourse it will take some time, but do you think that it will be better? Do you think inexperience is a big issue that should be considered?

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