Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Journal entry # 1

One of the previous school`s that I attended didn`t have a media center and I felt like that was one of the most important facility that a school should have, therefore I felt a need to respond to that situation and I did so in writing.
I responded in writing because that was mainly all i was able to do, I couldnt have taken any other action because I was only a student, I wasnt in authority. Also I did so in writing because in my opinion its a more official way of getting your point accross in a respectful manner; I felt that the situation might have recieved more attention if I made my request known through writing.
The type of genre I used was pursuasive essay. I choose this because this is something that I wanted the people in authority to address, and if I was able to pursuade them that the media center was important and in fact needed then my request might have been granted.
My audience were, the principal, teachers and students of my school but mainly the principal. I wanted the readers to think about the situation or the request stated in the writing and then begin to take into consideration what was written.
My purpose for writing was to pursuade and also to call to action. I felt that my purpose was in part accomplished. I say in part because I made the request known and stated why it was so important all that was left was for them to take the matter into consideration and decide whether to act or not.
To guide my writing the context which was basically building a media center was generated by what was currently happening.
Thinking about my writing as a rhetorical situation is different from thinking about it in other ways in that thinking about it as rheorical writing allows me to broaden the way I see it, think more in depth not just narrowing it down to one area as opposed to if I was thinking about it in other ways.

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