Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Journal entry #5

1. Syfers describes a wife duty as:
taking care of the kids,
keeping track of appointments,
arranging to lose time off the job while not loosing the job,
attending to physical needs
cleaning the house
picking up after spouse and children
Cooking the meal
Ironing clothes, keeping it mended, or replacing it when needed
one who goes grocery shopping, serves pleasantly and cleans up while studying
one who is sensitive to sexual needs and one who is sexually faithful

Some of the duties described in the writing are still done today to some extent. It differs within varous families and cultures. In some families most of the duties described here is still performed by the wives today, while within other families you might see fewer of these duties performed. So I think it differs within cultures. I would say the husband and wife relationship has changed somewhat within the past 37 years. From what I have been told, the wife`s role was a bit inferior to that of the husband`s, the husband was in authority, although it is still the case today but I guess it was more like a dictatorship type role back then.

2. I liked syfers writing style actually, she doesnt spell out everything, she leaves it up to the reader to figure out exactly what she is talking about, or the big idea behind her writing. One thing I would`nt have done is make the whole entire essay a list of the duties of the wife, other than that I really did like it.

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