Tuesday, November 11, 2008

in the news-Jose Canseco

1. Do you believe that Jose Canseco was right in the fact that he gave the names of the baseball players involved with steroids in his book "Juiced"?
2. To what degree do you think the "steroid era" will tarnish the history of the great american sport baseball?
3. What is your view of some positive and negative aspects of performance enhancing drugs?
4. Do you believe that performance enhancing drugs play a major role in all sports today?
I do not think Jose was right in giving the names of the baseball players involved in steroids. I think that if he did steroids then he should take responsibility for his actions without bringing anyone down with him. By mentioning the names
of other people, it seems like he`s saying "I`m going down, so therefore im taking you down with me" which I dont think is a very good approach to situations. If he has done something then he should be responsible for his actions.
I think the "steroid era" will tarnish the baseball history alot, because people will now see the players accomplishments as achieved through cheating, and names that were once honored may now be stereotyped as cheaters even if they are`nt.
Frankly I do not think that performance enhancing drugs should even be considered, people should be able to accomplish much with there skills and special abilities. When performance enhancing drugs are used, the players are`nt the ones doing the work, the drug is.
I think performance enhancing drug does play a major role in sports today unfortunately, that shouldnt be case but it does, I think its only in certain countries though.

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