Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Journal entry #2

This essay was very compelling because it is one that I am able to relate to. The author spoke about the power of prayer, something that I have experienced in my life continually. The author used a personal story, something happened in their life and they were able share their experience. I would say that the tone of the story is reflective, the author reflected on a particular point in their life when prayer seemed to have made a huge difference . This essay is similar to the other in that both authors used personal experiences to convey their messages the experiences and the messages behind them , however differ . The author definitely followed the guidelines provided by the "This I Believe " website. They shared a time when their belief was change, they personalized it, made it real, brief, stated their belief in a sentence and made it positive. For project 1 I would like to write about "Faith" that would be an ideal topic for me because I have had so many experiences with faith.
2. In this essay the author spoke about past experiences that were not exactly positive but ones that positively helped to shape the way she now lives. This is very inspiring because it gives hope and shows that a bad situation can in fact produce good. The author used a story of hope to showcase their belief, God healed her wounds that were produced as a result of an abusive father. She now uses her story of hope to help young girls who are in similar situations.


MTM said...

I see why you chose the essay "Prayer" because prayer has changed my life in many different aspects as it has done for you and the suthor. Prayer is very powerful and its something that helps me relax and help believe that everything is gunna be alright. Since I read your journal entry, I am going to go read the essay and get my own perspective of it.

luissm2 said...

Me, been born in a catholic family I was raise to beleive that God can hear us. The only way he can hear us if we dedicate some time to him by praying. In some cases praying has worked for me. Coinsidence? Maybe not, but i beleive that their is a higher being up there and he does listen to us and help us as much as he can.
I feel that if you have enough faith to know whats real out there, feel free to write about faith because having faith makes you stronger as a person, and comfortable of yourself.