Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Journal entry #9

Image # 1
1) People are free to do certain things

2) People are free to do certain things because they are 18yrs

3) People get the ooportunity to do certain things when they turn 18 but are still restricted to some things.

image# 8

1) women starve themselves

2) women starve themselves because they are obsessed with being skinny

3) women starve themselves because they think that being thin means being beautiful.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

journal entry #8

This advirtisment shows that BMW`s are attractive.
It shows this claim by diverting attention from the woman by placing an image of a BMW on top of her face.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Project #1 review draft I believe

I have always been taught to pray in particular situations, if I had a need, or just to give thanks, I never really knew the meaning of this however until I had an indirect experience relating to prayer. I was still at a very tender age, when my beliefs were shaped by this life changing event.
While she was yet a little girl, my sister had various traumatic, life threatening experiences with epilepsy. She would suffer sudden attacks that would trigger abnormal activities in certain parts of the brain. She would literally have a fit where she would sometimes fall suddenly; her muscle would tighten and relax which caused her to jerk rhythmically. She would foam at the mouth and would then be left in an unconscious state. This would last for several minutes and was very alarming to my family and I; we hardly knew how to handle this type of situation when it arose. It became very stressful for my parents, because neither they nor the doctors could give a solution to the problem.
The attacks went on for quite some time before she was finally referred to a clinic. The doctors there offered to give her a particular type of medication that might have helped, but warned that it was accompanied by serious side effects, some of which seemed to pose even more life threatening problems than the actual illness. This was not exactly music to a mother in despair, and even though it might have seemed that this was our only hope, my mother knew that there must have been some other resolution to this situation.
Disappointed and confused my family decided to seek God the only one they were confident would give a solution to the problem. After leaving the clinic, my mother took my sister to our church where the members there gathered around her to pray. Their prayers indicated strongly that they knew for sure that a miracle was on its way, and even though still a child I could sense that feeling too. After leaving the church that night it was neither necessary for my sister to return to the doctors or for her to take the medication, amazingly God had wrought a life changing miracle, it was almost unbelievable. Still presently, in her early stage of womanhood, no trace of illness can be found.
This event has helped shaped my belief forever, I now believe in the power of prayer. Prayer is now an important part of my life. Whenever I struggle with a problem or get entangled in a particular situation, I pray. I pray to give thanks and I pray without having a particular motive in mind. This keeps me in a more serene mood and state of mind. When things around me seem to crumble, I find myself in a state of peace on my knees or quietly bowing my head, because by doing this I know that many mountains can be removed. I believe in the power of prayer.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

journal entry #6 Absence makes the heart grow fonder

a belief that our society holds today is that "absence makes the heart grow fonder" but does absence really make the heart grow fonder?
This question was posed to a few people, while some agreed that absence make the heart grow fonder, some only agreed to a certain extent. They think that this is only true in some cases, while being away from someone might make you grow fonder of that person, it may also cause problems; as with a marriage relationship. Absence from a partner in some cases might be seen as freedom to do whatever one wishes, while in another case it might cause that partner to long for comfort thus pushing them to be unfaithful.
so does absence really make the heart grow fonder? mmmm........think about it